Friday, February 7, 2014

♡ What I'm saving up for ♡

This is just a collection of things I really want to get for spring! I'm too lazy to add links for everything so if you want to know where something is from, ask me here!

Basically, I want a macbook pro really badly but it can be put off! The fujifilm to take cute pictures in the summer and anytime  Okay, so right now I have the regular iphone 4 and I've had it since middle school so it's time for an upgrade.. For spring break I want to get my septum pierced and my ears stretched asap! Tell me what ya'll think if I got them :3. Lastly, cute shoes for spring! 

I claimed my blog loving here! Don't forget to follow me on instagram @pastel_cum and I'll try to stay updated! Everyone have a good day :*


  1. Wow you're too cute do get your ears stretched! Haha are you sure about that?~ But I'm sure you could pull it off~ ^^ I'm with you on that macbook and instax though omg ;-; PINKIVORYS- click for korean beauty and kpop~

    1. i really want to stretch them! i'll try and make it cute looking :3 sigh so expensive though


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