Monday, December 9, 2013

♡ Moonbeam tapestry review ♡

Hey guys! I made a post about decorating your room with some stuff and I bought the forest tapestry like I said. About a week or two ago, it came! It took about 5 days to arrive since I bought it on a weekend. Before putting it up, I had to deep clean my room and I finally did on Saturday! Yes, it took a while and I was busy watching the walking dead (current show) and some Miyazaki films but I got it done!! 

This is what it looks like in my room! I had to take down my Beatles poster but it'll have a new place c:  
It's really pretty and livens up my room if you know what I mean. 

I guess this is a bit of a teaser of my room haha. As you can see, my desk is cluttered! It's mostly school stuff though. I've shared a room my whole life and I can only put stuff up in the corner where I sleep. There's really no point in doing a room tour since it's this plus half a closet.. 

Even though it was pretty expensive, I haven't seen anything like this yet! So I thought it was worth it. It's made of cloth so it's washable, it seems a bit thin but it's fine with me. You don't have to put it on your wall either, it can be used as a topping for beds, couches or chairs! 
Quick shipping, beautiful print and it's just perfect to me.
If you like this tapestry, the link is here! Urban Outfitters has more like this if you want to check it out! 

1 comment:

  1. Omg your room is adorable ♡
    I love the tapestry, I've never seen
    anything like it!! I think I might
    just get me one now :3

    Cristielle |~Fairytale Princess☾•* ~


thank you for commenting! i'll get back to you as soon as i can ヽ(●´ε`●)ノ♡~