Monday, December 23, 2013

♡ What's in my bag ♡

Hey! I finally have time to do more posts since I'm on winter break right now. So here's a what's in my bag post, like promised! It's pretty much basic stuff anyone would carry. I got my bag from modcloth a while ago and it's really cute and has s lot of space.

First off, my wallet! It's Betsey Johnson and all I have are a couple cards and dollar. The little bag has pads, tampons, band-aids, bobby pins, hair ties, and small first aid stuff. Sometimes I carry a little bento for snacks because I get hungry really quickly!

On the left, is a pill case with just essential pills that I or someone might need!  Also some lip balm, lotion gum, and I always have lighters on me (pyro...). Okay, so I always have a pen and paper, little twin stars right now, just in case someone wants my number or something. Lame, I know haha it's probably never gonna happen. 

My earphones are on me 24/7. I feel like I can't function right without listening to music! I have my charger, the adapter is from daiso and my phone. You can't see well but the wallpaper is my favourite movie! I've been carrying a notebook/sketchbook with me just to jot some stuff down. 

Lastly, my water bottle and lanyard! I don't always carry my water bottle out, usually just in school and I hold it all the time. I got the cat defense key chain from ebay with the pepper spray. It was only about 4 dollars for both, what a steal! My friend, Vanessa, got me the skull bracelet and buttons!
Well that's all for now, leave a comment for future posts or anything really! Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!


  1. I love your bag, it looks small from the picture but seeing all the things you carry in it seems that it's really spacious.

    1. Thanks! i do have to cram some stuff in but its fine :3

  2. Hello Queenaly! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Please come check it out!~


thank you for commenting! i'll get back to you as soon as i can ヽ(●´ε`●)ノ♡~